The Birds and the Bees: Pollinators in the Garden

April 1 - May 31

Our first show of the 2023 season, “Birds and Bees: Pollinators in the Garden” featured seven contemporary artists celebrating nature’s pollinators: Shannon Amidon, Deborah Davis, Lisa A. Frank, Ellen Granter, Ava Roth, Tyler Swain, and Francine Fox. Surrounded by the abundant nature of Bath County, and a gardener, my inspiration for curating this show was obvious. This exhibition focused on the smallest members of our animal community—nature’s pollinators. 

With environmental changes and habitat loss we are increasingly aware of the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Pollination is vital for a strong ecosystem. Nearly 90% of flowering plants rely on approximately 200,000 species of pollinators for fertilization. From butterflies and bees, to flies and beetles, the vast majority of pollinators are insects; however, birds, bats, and small mammals also pollinate plants. These small creatures hold a special place in many artists’ hearts for their intricate beauty, delicacy and essential roles. This show featured photographs, paintings, mixed media, and encaustic pieces by seven contemporary artists.